Quinoa Stir Fry
This Recipe is jam packed with nutritional goodness and tastes like heaven!!!
-1.5 Cups red Quinoa
-1 or 2 red peppers
-1 onion
-Olive Oil
-eggs (optional)
-4 Tablespoons of Coconut Aminos
-2 Tablespoons Maple Syrup
-1 Teaspoon Garlic
-3/4 Teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper
-Salt, PeppeR to taste
-Balsamic Glaze To Top
- pan to boil quinoa
-non stick stovetop pan
-sheet pan for oven
boil about 2 cups of water add salt, once boiling, add quinoa. cook for time mentioned on your particular bag of quinoa. Drain and Set aside to cool.
Set your Oven to 425 degrees fahrenheit.
next cut onion into bite sized pieces and cook on stove in non stick pan medium heat with olive oil.
while onion is cooking cut red pepper, and add to pan with onion. add garlic. let these cook down till soft and slightly browned, empty into bowl with quinoa.
Place Broccoli on sheet pan, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper cook for 15 mins
Optional: scramble 4 eggs in empty non stick pan with olive oil and salt.
next Pour all ingredients into nonstick pan and turn flame to low. (Quinoa, red pepper, onion, broccoli, egg.)
Add coconut aminos to pan, maple syrup, and crushed red pepper (for heat), salt and pepper to taste, drizzle balsamic vinegar generously over top.